Brand Compliance at Scale - Landing Pages

February 15, 2017

One of the growing uses of DevHub is around publishing brand compliant landing pages at scale. From financial institutions to hospitality companies each has spent years honing their brand. And brands want to the control the identity, messaging and imagery across 100s if not 1000s of landing pages used by their channel partners/ resellers. The flexibility of DevHub allows brand managers to auto generate landing pages that are brand compliant and on specific URLs. Rapidly ...

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The Future of Web Experience Is a Platform You Trust

February 13, 2017

Most product managers we work with are solving for one specific use case, not knowing that by choosing DevHub they have the ammo needed for solutions down the road. DevHub works with existing managers to build sustainable solution(s) that drive revenues and provides performance lift. What is unique about this type of relationship? It is the constant feedback loop to what is needed to not only deliver on the end user promise today but ...

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Own Your Local Web Experience

February 10, 2017

Focus customer intent to the local level and take authority by building a strong Local Experience. 

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DevHub TRACE technology

February 9, 2017

Utilizing DevHub's TRACE technology - rapidly deploy location pages/ sites/ location finders built on already leveraged creatives. This ensures brand compliance and quick deployments.  ANALYTICS: DevHub Trace implements the latest SEO best practices to ensure your metrics are accurately reported. Session Tracking, and Customer Interaction data embedded on every page.     BRAND CONSISTENCY: Leverage your source website’s branding, navigation and stylistic guidelines to ensure a seamless experience for your customers.

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DevHub API Integration

February 8, 2017

DevHub's thoughtfully robust APIs allow for rapid provisioning to single sign on. Additionally, any tasks within the site builder can be preformed via API.  Learn more about: Tech Stack Uptime, Backup, Monitoring Server Architecture Integration User Guide Video Support Quick Reference Checklist i18n Internationalization Platform API Overview Master Template Themes, Speed, Domain Registration Permission Control DIY, DIFM, Automated Site Production

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Proxy Monitoring and Alerts - Real time

February 7, 2017

MODERN PROXY: the value in real-time monitoring/ alerts is knowing immediately there is an issue versus weeks later after the money is spent.  "DevHub Proxy provides the ability to be notified on any rule i.e. replacements of phone numbers, images, down pages, code...etc. This is a big leap for modern proxy tech," explains Daniel Rust DevHub CTO/ co-Founder.

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On-boarding: Multi Location Optimization

February 7, 2017

Power Your Growth. DevHub is the most potent agency and franchise tool to measure and drive incremental customer demand at the local level by building franchise sites at scale.. DevHub keeps all of your location data synced across any platform.  Global Management, 100% Secure, Better than Agency Support.  

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AS SEEN ON: Oracle Marketing Cloud - Blog

February 6, 2017

To quote: "Customer Experience is the Most Critical Part of Marketing Right Now" This starts with every interact a customer has with your brand, but it includes the technology you leverage to make those engagements happen, as well as how your people manage those tools.  ---- 2017 will see a lift in marketing team's adoption of technology platforms. Managing scale whether landing pages through paid media or local store pages - DevHub is the web experience ...

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Web Experience is the future of the web, but does anyone care

February 6, 2017

When was the last time you clicked the second page of Google search results via your mobile device? Especially on the go? The idea that web search will be the same forever is already dated. Search via mobile is now over 64% of DevHub’s network of traffic. Consumers are relying on results that are easy to interpret and above the fold of search (aka first 5 results). And as SEO’s and large web ...

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Perspective on Web Experience Evolution - Its Bigger Than Websites

February 3, 2017

The future of search is changing - now and fast. An agile approach to managing experience is only possible through collecting the right data first. Beginning with inputs such as - location, phone number, hours, menu, services, payments, images, forms etcs. DevHub’s own structured database allows for the markup of code to the latest schema based search standards.   Why this is important? Answer: mobile web. With mobile devices taking up more than 70%+ search across DevHub ...

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