DevHub: Front-line Technology and Innovation Part 2 of 3

December 29, 2016

As we close out 2016, we are excited about what we accomplished in a short year. Below is part 2 of 3 Integration points for programmatic strategies - including tracking of analytics generated from landing pages - full funnel attribution Safer and easier ways to scale using: Master Template, Cloning, API Driven Web Platform Migrations or Re-platforming - DevHub’s unique technology allows easy transfer of web presence assets DevHub’s beefed up analytics through Mixpanel and optimized ...

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Sell Digital Products Strategically via Haystack

December 27, 2016

We recently vetted Haystack as an integration for DevHub. Their core competency is empowering sales teams to sell digital effectively leveraging existing data points i.e. SEO, presence, geographies + more. Utilizing DevHub’s sales acceleration tools: TRACE or spec sites tied with Haystack’s analysis of: website build quality, search engine optimization, mobile readiness, social presence and paid search (Adwords) - you can arm your sales team to be the authority on digital marketing. We are ...

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DevHub: Front-line Technology and Innovation Part 1 of 3

December 27, 2016

As we close out 2016, we are excited about what we accomplished in a short year. This is a three part series. Below are some of the innovations to DevHub - at scale. Sustainable SEO via web standards, URL structures and deploying unique content en masse. Analytics, from tracking every single event on a page to reporting only what the marketing or product team want to see - from day one. 50+ Integrations from the latest martech ...

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Web Experience for Multiple Dealer, Vendor, Reseller Sites

December 26, 2016

The need from performance marketing agencies to power multiple sites for a specific brand is becoming more necessary. As scaled web experiences allow marketing dollars to flow to specific regional/ local sites - tailored offers can be pushed uniquely and tracked. FOR: Manufacturers, Co-op Advertising, Awareness campaigns WHY: Tracking ROI and performance across specific offers WHO: Digital Marketing, Performance Marketing and Ad agencies Publishing targeted sites with DevHub is easy and sustainable. One way DevHub solves ...

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Web Content Management, Web Experience, Presence - let’s talk

December 24, 2016

The confusing part of looking for the right web platform is the terminology. SITES are literally universal across any CMS whether that is a 1 page or 10 page. Obviously the differences are in size of site and goals to be achieved - but essentially the structure is the same. A thoughtfully robust platform that takes into account the different use cases you will encounter is where a product manager should lean. The reason: managers want ...

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Front line technology — Innovators

December 21, 2016

What does it look like to be on the front line of technology? See: Casey Neistat and Samsung collaboration around 360 camera Mark Zuckerberg and Jarvis connecting the home Snapchat utilizing spectacles to share the world Jeff Bezos autonomous drone package delivery Mark Michael and Daniel Rust sustainable web experience Elon Musk boring tunnels for transportation flow/ ease traffic congestion John Legere “un-carrier” in a mobile carrier world Travis Kalanick autonomous autos to close the ...

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How to Analyze Web Platforms for Sustainable SEO and Web Experiences at Scale.

December 20, 2016

If you’re invested in digital marketing channels, then you’re invested in relevancy and presence.  Digital marketing channels like paid search, seo, programmatic and social media advertising cannot succeed in a vacuum.  They can drive traffic to your site, but without a solid web experience at the core (think sites/ landing pages) that reinforce the message of value, you’re flushing money down the toilet.  It doesn’t matter if your business is a ...

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Websites in 2016

December 16, 2016

Websites not a priority among small business owners find a website is not a priority according to a new survey. The related article is posted via Inc.

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DevHub now with 50+ vetted integrations

December 16, 2016

The agile marketing cloud is here. Centered around experience. Drive traffic, increase performance and scale on one platform. Today, DevHub has vetted over 50 marketing and advertising technologies that work well with DevHub as the core. From Business Listing Management to CRMs to SEM to Do It For Me (DIFM) solutions - product managers can assemble best of breed technologies around a specific customer vertical or use case.  

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On to 6.5.1 - Security

December 15, 2016

Security is our number 1 priority and DevHub executes safely and easily at the highest level - SCALE! Constant innovation keeps DevHub standardized across all aspects of search, mobile, consumer behavior, web standards and technologies. PCI compliant. SSL deployable en masse. We release updates over 53x a month! - How many other platforms can say that? Over 50+ integrations from email marketing to business listings management to CRM to appointment bookings - all centered around DevHub at the ...

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