Product Team Etiquette: How to Get Your Team on Board with DevHub

August 23, 2016

This post originally appeared on Linkedin Pulse here.  It’s a familiar situation for many product team leaders: we’re pushing the product roadmap forward and want to recommend a different foundational web platform. But before we make a recommendation, we want to make sure we’ve properly vetted the platform. How can we best do our homework so that, when the time is right to propose the new platform, there is enthusiasm on all ...

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Agency Use Case, Highlights and Takeaways

August 22, 2016

Two weeks ago we blogged about our Agency Use Case in three parts. We originally posted to LinkedIn here, here, here. Since then we have been approached by more agencies looking to manage entire digital experiences for their customers. We (DevHub) thought it would make sense to highlight the agency use case again at the start of this week in hopes of helping more agencies understand the DevHub difference. HIGHLIGHTS PART 1: TEAM DYNAMIC DevHub ...

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Add eCommerce functionality to sites with ShopRocket and DevHub

August 19, 2016

DevHub is exploring an integration with ShopRocket. ShopRocket is a bolt on eCommerce play for your existing website. They making setting up a store and plugging directly into your site easy.  3 ways ShopRocket is unique: Setup once - Simply copy & paste our code into your DevHub website. Seamless - integrates into your own website or blog, your products and cart are embedded into your site including payment processing. Multiple Currencies - Allow your customers to pay in ...

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What You Can Build On DevHub ...its a mindset.

August 18, 2016

Chances are your favorite websites are those that work… every time - never down, never inaccessible, never slow - sites like Craigslist, YouTube, Google, Reddit, Facebook, Imgur… Sites you can rely on. DevHub can bring that same level of reliability to your sites. Products built on DevHub simply work. Designers and developers sometimes make the mistake of focusing too much on the beauty of the site. Beauty, however, is skin deep. Remember flash websites? Yeah, exactly. Sites ...

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Platforms and protocols: multi site web development

August 17, 2016

When I say “protocol” what do you think? Protocols are what we depend on to communicate with other people. They are the foundation of interaction. Not just human interaction though, also machine interaction. A protocol sets limits. It defines what is correct and what is invalid. With a protocol, you have a plan to move forward. You know what you need to do and how to do it.  DevHub is a protocol for multi-site web ...

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DevHub: The Ultimate Platform

August 15, 2016

DevHub is a web platform. DevHub is a platform situated at the crossroads of website builder and enterprise CMS. The DevHub difference lies in its use cases… from global agencies unifying disparate clients, to national brands creating local sites controlled by local managers; from media companies offering digital products to their small business customers, to regional companies providing a vertical solution and technology providers seeking to differentiate their product. DevHub powers them all. DevHub is ...

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Textbroker and DevHub, unique content at scale

August 12, 2016

DevHub has worked with textbroker in a number of ways. Whether it was 1 off small business sites or scaling unique content across a bunch of local sites. Do not let content slow you down use textbroker in coordination with DevHub for your next project. 3 ways textbroker is unique: Enhance - Website owners can impress customers with unique content Lead gen - websites with better content get more contact details from customers Content - good content make ...

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Part 3 of 3: Agency Use Case - Where the Agency Goes from Here

August 11, 2016

Post originally appeared here on LinkedIn. Our agency partner now powers 102 franchise sites for their client. The client’s corporate site was completely migrated and refreshed to drive leads. And the franchisee sites are live with unique local content. All accomplished 3 weeks ahead of schedule. With an expedited launch, there are bound to be some minor hiccups. But DevHub is agile enough to adapt to new requirements mid-BUILD. We implemented changes across the ...

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Part 2 of 3: Agency Partner Use Case - How DevHub Does It

August 9, 2016

Post originally appeared on LinkedIn here DevHub is a technology platform powered by a team of super humans (you get the point ;) Our super humans leverage their strong ties to a passionate community of users via our feedback loop, enabling consistent, continuous innovation. So, what does that mean for our partners? DevHub is built to scale web experiences easily and safely, so agencies that utilize DevHub quickly find that it offers a kind of control ...

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Part 1 of 3: Agency Partner Use Case - Team Dynamic

August 8, 2016

Post originally appeared on LinkedIn here DevHub excels at enabling product teams to collaborate with marketing and sales teams to execute client demands, seamlessly and efficiently. This past week our agency partner used DevHub to launch 102 unique local sites and to refresh its major account’s corporate site - all on an expedited timeline. Yes, with DevHub you can migrate entire brands to a standardized platform for scale and flexibility. Yes, with DevHub you can ...

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