DevHub Best Practices -- Part 1

June 9, 2009

Here are some best practices when constructing an initial site on DevHub. The theoretical domain we will use for this example is Site building wizard In your "My Sites" area, click on the "Add site" link to start the wizard. Proceed through the process to set the title, base keywords (i.e. Seattle Fishing), and the initial description of the site. If the domain is not the exact keyword phrase (i.e. BestSeattleFishing ...

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Upgrades to DevHub

March 22, 2009

Below are a list of features that were added to DevHub in the past couple of weeks: Google Webmaster Tools + Google Analytics: Many of you have asked about it, and now you’ve got it. By going into ‘site settings’ area of the Site Editor, you can now validate your site and add analytics for Google. Remember to be confident in the quality of your site before exposing it to the big G! Robust Blogging ...

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