White Label Technology | What is White Label v. Private Label | DEVHUB (transcribed)

May 6, 2019

Watch The Video Here On YouTube  Cool so before we get into our video series about white labels, we already posted one. We got 3 more coming out, and then we are going to start getting into interviews with companies and other white label providers. This video is basically defining what white label is, versus the private label. White label is typically when a company like us, build a product and then license it to ...

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Expanding Your SAAS Business Internationally (transcribed)

May 6, 2019

Watch The Video Here On YouTube  Alright, this is gonna be the most obvious video we've ever done. I think the topic is scaling SAAS internationally? is that was it is? Expanding SAAS? ok So I can only talk about our experience, right? So I think today DevHub operates in about 12 countries, I think 7, or 8 different languages. And the way we did it basically I mean obviously, we got an inquiry ...

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Location as a data asset - Retail Loco - AIMIA

May 6, 2019

Location as a data asset Presentation given by Helen Maxfield from AIMIA Location Based Marketing Association - Retail Loco LOCATION IS A CRITICAL NEW DATA ASSET Powering two key opportunities for customers and businesses COMMUNICATION: As a vehicle for delivering personalized, contextually driven communications INSIGHT: Granular understanding of customer behavior + In-the-moment targeted surveys DRIVING RELEVANT INTERACTIONS ALONG THE CUSTOMER JOURNEY: Geo-location data & Micro-location data Customer Home Work Other Location Competitor Store At Store “We trigger messages ...

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Deep Changes Trends in Local Marketing - Retail Loco - Borrell Associates

May 6, 2019

Deep Changes Trends in Local Marketing Presentation given by Colby Atwood Location Based Marketing Association - Retail Loco Borrell Associates Inc. Local Marketing Spending • Advertising • Promotions • Digital Marketing Services • 100 Business Categories • 71 Marketing Channels (National & Local) • 11 Years • 3,141 Counties Other Services • Strategic Consulting • Industry Papers • Presentations • Media Company Surveys • Advertiser Surveys Advertising     •Cable •Cinema •Direct Mail •Directories •Newspaper •OOH •Other Print •Radio •TV •Telemarketing •Online •Targeted Display •ROS •Email •Paid Search •Audio/Video ...

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RetailLoco - Day 2- Location Based Marketing Association

May 6, 2019

RetailLoco - Day 2 Presentation given by Asif R. Khan Location Based Marketing Association - Retail Loco Research, education and collaborative innovation at the intersection of people, places, and media. We live at the intersection of PEOPLE, PLACES & MEDIA Formed in 2010, 1,400+ members with chapters in: Toronto, Montreal, New York, San Francisco, Atlanta, Dallas, Seattle, Chicago, SoCal, Amsterdam, Berlin, Munich, Vienna, Zurich, Hong Kong, Edinburgh, Sydney, London, Singapore, Melbourne, Stockholm, Austin, Boston, Prague, Tokyo, Paris ...

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RetailLoco - Day 1 - Location Based Marketing Association

May 2, 2019

RetailLoco - Day 1 The presentation was given by Asif R. Khan Location Based Marketing Association - Retail Loco Research, education and collaborative innovation at the intersection of people, places, and media.  We live at the intersection of PEOPLE, PLACES & MEDIA  Formed in 2010, 1,400+ members with chapters in:  Toronto, Montreal, New York, San Francisco, Atlanta, Dallas, Seattle, Chicago, SoCal, Amsterdam, Berlin, Munich, Vienna, Zurich, Hong Kong, Edinburgh, Sydney, London, Singapore, Melbourne, Stockholm, Austin, Boston, Prague ...

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Migrating Websites From Adobe Muse

April 17, 2019

In 2018 Adobe announced the discontinuing support for the Adobe Muse Website Builder. Since then DevHub has fielded several inbound inquiries from government websites, casinos, healthcare and several small businesses asking to move their site over to DevHub. Most have no idea what they are asking for. In our DevTrends series we put together highlighted benefits of moving sites to DevHub. Learn more about Migrating Websites From Adobe Muse.

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You Do Not Need a CMO Yet

March 25, 2019

I have worked intimately with over 100 companies as CEO of DevHub Inc. In not less than 50% of the time “a new CMO,” at an existing client or potential lead ...is code for ALL STOP.  The new CMO would be responsible for product marketing to working with sales teams to developing content and supporting collateral for the overall organization.  With one customer the CMO was tasked with opening up a whole new market and ...

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Defining the Consumer Decision Path to Purchase

March 7, 2019

If you've ever made contact with the fields of sales or marketing, it's likely that the concept of the funnel isn't foreign to you. The funnel metaphor is used so widely because of its simplicity: potential buyers start out at the top of the funnel as part of the largest group of leads. As leads narrow down their buying decision, many drop away, until your "warmest" group of leads ends up becoming ...

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Owning Your Brand’s Local Pages

March 5, 2019

Pick your favorite business listing management and/or reputation management provider - but keep your local pages separate. Here is why - as a brand you need to have full control over every element of the local presence to be effective at local marketing. It is easy to deploy local pages with basic NAP (Name, Address, Phone Number) but what about adding a blog to a page or uploading a calendar or integrating with a new marketing ...

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