Optimizely custom event goals across multiple landing page URLs

June 20, 2017

Optimizely integration for custom events

Every landing page that is created on RallyMind is auto-tagged with event tracking tied to all the actions a visitor could take.

Examples of the events we track:

  • Form Fills
  • Click to Call
  • Outgoing Links
  • Get Directions
  • Scheduling
  • + More

Optimizely Plugin

Using our Optimizely plugin, you can quickly publish the Optimizely A/B code to a single landing page or to all landing pages (10s, 100s) you have grouped within a particular campaign.

Optimizely Custom Events

Once the plugin is enabled on your pages, we automatically push each of our conversion events to Optimizely as Custom Events.

  type: "event",
  eventName: "form-submit"

You can learn more about custom events in Optimizely here.

Before RallyMind, our partners would need to manually tag events on their pages, or add Custom Event code to their landing pages to be able to scale their A/B testing across campaigns.

Using Optimizely today and want to learn more about how we can help you scale your A/B testing and conversion optimization? Reach out for a quick demo today!