In the final of our three part series - here is more information on how we guarantee up-times and support via our Service Level Agreement - note* each one is slightly unique based on the client need/ wants.
Customer Service and Support.
Service Hours. DEVHUB shall be available 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Monday – Friday PST. DEVHUB shall provide emergency support outside of normal hours as needed, on a case-by-case basis.
Response Time. If PARTNER or DEVHUB determines that a problem exists with the Services YOURCOMPANY shall assign one of the following problem impact levels, and DEVHUB shall respond to and correct any such problem in accordance with the response and problem resolution times set forth below:
Response and Resolution Parameters:
Severity Level Urgent - The Licensor platform is completely not available in production to all users and no work around is available, or the security of the platform is compromised.
Severity Level High – The Licensor platform is accessible to some users but key functionality is unavailable or results in an error. No work around is available.
Severity Level Normal – There’s loss of functionality in Licensor platform that was previously available. PARTNER operations are not impacted and/or workarounds are available.
Severity Level Low – General usage or feature requests.
Support Contact. All support requests initiated by PARTNER shall be logged into DEVHUB’s support ticketing system (currently provided by Zendesk), PARTNER shall also be assigned a dedicated contact representative as detailed CONFIDENTIAL:
Remedy and Service Level Credits. If a Service Level Breach has occurred, in addition to any other rights and remedies available to PARTNER shall be entitled to a credit in accordance with the table below and calculated based on fees paid by PARTNER to DEVHUB for each month in which DEVHUB did not meet the Minimum Service Level (such credit to be applied to fees owed by PARTNER to DEVHUB during the following month). At anytime the PARTNER’S account is past due, SLA penalties occurring during that past due period are not enforceable.