Below are a list of features that were added to DevHub in the past couple of weeks:
- Google Webmaster Tools + Google Analytics: Many of you have asked about it, and now you’ve got it. By going into ‘site settings’ area of the Site Editor, you can now validate your site and add analytics for Google. Remember to be confident in the quality of your site before exposing it to the big G!
- Robust Blogging / Content Editor - Change text size, color, font and more. Place pictures within each text entry. Undo/redo functionality. Bullets and ordered lists (great way to easily add content to your pages). Edit HTML code!
- Subdomain - Yoursitename . devhub . com is now a reality. Get yours while you can and launch your site!
- Twitter notification: Twitter is the next biggest thing on the internet, aside from DevHub of course ;). With this new integration, DevHeads can easily update their Twitter followers of their site launches and updates. Just go into your “My Account” section and configure your Twitter settings. Don’t know what Twitter is? Get you some Twitter love here:
- Featured Site Gallery - The best sites submitted to us and included as featured sites in the newsletter are now placed in a Featured Site Gallery on the DevHub site — free promotion and valuable link for those who make it. Use this gallery as inspiration and hopefully one day one of your sites appear in the gallery!
- Bookmarking widget: Simply drag and drop the bookmark widget onto each page of your site and allow users to easily share what they’ve found with their contacts over email or on sites like FaceBook, Digg, Delicious, and more.
- Full Color Editing (flux theme): Now you can fully control the palette of your site, from text to button color to navigation. Time to get a little crazy with color schemes…
- Affiliate Program - Earn additional revenue from the DevHub users you refer to the platform!
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