Expertise and dedication define our company and team. Daniel Rust, a gifted software architect and Mark Michael, a bold entrepreneur met in high school. They've been working together ever since.

  • In 2007, Daniel and Mark sold SynapseLife to a company in Indiana that requested 10+ sites to be built. Instead of building 10 sites, Daniel decided to create “modules” to build pages, which would speed up building sites.
  • Daniel, Mark and third co-founder Geoff Nuval form EVO Landing, LLC.
  • EVO Landing launches to help clean up the domain parking industry by publishing relevant sites for web users.
  • Monster Venture Partners Invests in EVO Landing, LLC.
  • Google flags an EVO Landing site. The co-Founders decide at that moment to never build a company or technology that was scared of Google.
  • EVO Landing establishes 40+ content and advertising network partnerships to solidify a holistic approach to providing relevant content sites.
  • Geoff Entress, John Cunningham, Jeff Schrock, Richard Wolpert, Alex Algard among other well known investors from Seattle, LA, SF and NY kicked in an additional investment, closing out a Series A.
  • Company changes name to EVO Media Group - makers of
  • Company becomes profitable temporarily.
  • Feb '09

    Version 1.0 Release

  • EVO Media Group closes out a series A-1.
  • EVO Media Group’s flagship product decides to gamify. Allowing users to only build one step at a time - unlocking new options as a user built more relevant sites.
  • Jul '10

    Version 1.2 Release

  • DevHub launches as a fully gamifyed website builder to much fanfare.
  • Instead of bloggers using DevHub - many small businesses sign up.
  • DevHub had no way to monetize small businesses.
  • Mostly everyone was let go besides Daniel, Mark and Gerald Thibault (JT).
  • Mark has a conversation with an investor who says “We invested in you and Daniel, not your idea... it will be you that fails.”
  • DevHub officially lets Geoff Nuval resign. Mark and Daniel take the helm. No cash, and 1 customer - a large North American media company that licenses the software, but has not yet gone live.
  • Jul '11

    Version 1.5 Release

  • Mark and Daniel begin licensing the DevHub platform to media companies who want to bundle in “digital products” (i.e. websites) alongside traditional media sales (i.e. yellow pages, tv ads, radio).
  • Mark and Daniel launch a side project called YearlyLeaf, taking additional investment under EVO. This keeps the lights on for the year.
  • Oct '12

    Version 1.6 Release

  • DevHub has 5 active licenses.
  • DevHub is slogging along and picks up 2 new licenses.
  • May '13

    Version 2.0 Release

  • DevHub is innovating faster than customers who are struggling to sell small business websites at scale.
  • DevHub is beginning to see the light of powering more than just media companies, but also brands and agencies.
  • Mark and Daniel close Marchex Inc, a leader in call tracking.
  • Jul '14

    Version 2.9 Release

  • DevHub begins to hit profitability and brings on an interim CEO.
  • Feb '15

    Version 3.0 Release

  • DevHub Proxy (Productized).
  • DevHub Location Pages Productized.
  • Most major media companies around the globe have a license of DevHub.
  • Feb '16

    Version 4.0 Release

  • Jun '16

    Version 5.0 Release

  • Jul '16

    Version 6.0 Release

  • Mark and Daniel take back the reins at DevHub.
  • Mark spearheads sales and marketing; Daniel leads product and innovation.
  • DevHub is being used by agencies looking to execute landing pages at scale.
  • Mark and Daniel close a significant deal with a $3.5 billion dollar media company.
  • DevHub Schema Markup ready.
  • DevHub begins hiring and closes more deals.
  • Mar '17

    Version 6.2 Release

  • DevHub is being used by Fortune 50 brand(s).
  • DevHub launches as a standalone product aimed squarely at agencies looking for a more effective way to build more landing pages, location pages and performance based sites/ promos.
  • DevHub expands its reach into channel marketing, co-op marketing with RallyMind.
  • DevHub is 60 key accounts and growing.
  • DevHub is hiring full stack developers. Daniel still runs product and innovation. Mark sales and marketing. DevHub is formally announced as the company name, shedding EVO from its history.
  • DevHub is at 65 key accounts.
  • DevHub and its related products are now used by more brands and agencies to build landing pages, micro sites and full websites.
  • DevHub is 70 key accounts and growing.
  • May '18

    Version 7.0 Release

  • DevHub is 76 key accounts and growing.
  • DevHub is 81 key accounts and growing.
  • DevHub is 87 key accounts and growing.
  • DevHub has 65 vetted 3rd party vendors.
  • DevHub is 89 key accounts and growing.
  • DevHub expands Seattle offices.
  • DevHub is 98 key accounts and growing.
  • DevHub refreshes RallyMind product website.
  • DevHub is 99 key accounts and growing.
  • DevHub is 105 key accounts and growing.
  • June '19

    Version 7.3.4 Release

  • DevHub is 108 key accounts and growing.
  • DevHub is 121 key accounts and growing.
  • Sept '19

    Version 7.3.7 Release

  • DevHub on-boards the 124th enterprise account.
  • Oct '19

    Version 7.4.0 Release

  • DevHub Launches Native Wordpress plugin to host landing pages within existing Wordpress sites and domains.
  • DevHub Launches Custom CDN Support.
  • DevHub is 131 deployments and growing.
  • DevHub is 139 deployments and growing.
  • DevHub enters its 13th industry 'Powersports' through 7 Media Group and Tucker Powersports.
  • Jan '20

    Version 7.5.0 Release

  • DevHub is 140 deployments and growing.
  • COVID19 stay at home order issued.
  • DevHub is 150 deployments and growing.
  • DevHub is 155 deployments and growing.
  • DevHub now powers 8 industry leaders in Local / Channel Marketing.
  • DevHub is 161 deployments and growing.
  • July '20

    Version 7.6.2 Release

  • DevHub is 163 brands deployed and growing.
  • DevHub is 167 brands deployed and growing.
  • DevHub is 169 brands deployed and growing.
  • Jan '21

    Version 7.7.1 Release

  • DevHub is 171 brands deployed and growing.
  • Mar '21

    Version 7.7.2 Release

  • DevHub is 178 brands deployed and growing.
  • DevHub is 179 brands deployed and growing.
  • DevHub Acquires Brickwork Software adding Nike, Chanel and others to their 'powered by' portfolio.
  • DevHub is 186 brands deployed and growing.
  • DevHub is 196 brands deployed and growing.
  • DevHub crosses 2,000,000 experiences launched.
  • DevHub deploys 200th brand and growing.
  • DevHub deploys 203rd brand and growing.
  • DevHub deploys 205th brand and growing.
  • DevHub deploys 210th brand and growing.
  • Jan '22

    Version 8.3.0 Release

  • DevHub deploys 220th brand and growing.
  • DevHub deploys 225th brand and growing.
  • May '22

    Version 8.5.0 Release

  • DevHub deploys 244th brand and growing.
  • Feb '23

    Version 9.0.0 Release

  • March 2023 DevHub deploys 260th brand and growing.
  • May '23

    Version 9.1.0 Release

  • DevHub Increased employee count by 20%.
  • DevHub deploys 267th brand and growing.
  • DevHub releases (15) multi-website features for franchise brands.
  • DevHub hires CFO Kim Kanber.
  • Jan '24

    Version 11.1.0 Release

  • 280 Brands deployed and growing.
  • 282 Brands deployed and growing.
  • DevHub recruits / hires senior leadership positions across (Customer Success, Marketing, Services and Engineering).